Surviving Winter: Enjoy it!

As Emma’s Winter Survival Guide 2012 comes to a close, there are a couple odds and ends I want to share.

Whenever I talk to my friends in California about living in a colder climate, they always say that they just don’t think that they could deal with the snow. Granted, if you have a house or car, I can see how snow can be really, freaking annoying. One has to keep in mind that I have never had to shovel snow (ahhh, apartment living), or drive in snow. My pipes have never frozen and I’ve never slipped and broken anything (that really is just a luck thing).  My relationship with snow may still be in the honeymoon phase, but there is one thing that will never change about snow: it’s not rain. Not that I hate the rain or anything, but snow does not require an umbrella, nor can you get unexpectedly drenched by a downpour of snow like you would rain. When you get covered in snow, you brush it off and just walk right inside, almost completely dry.  Snow also usually produces a dry cold instead of a damp one, meaning that it doesn’t get into your bones when it’s cold out. I would take snow over rain any day of the week.

Snow means snowmen, ice skating, snowball fights, snow forts and sledding. It’s beautiful and transforms the world into a glorious white wonderland.  With all the bad that snow brings, there is also so much good. And am I the only one that believes that tea and hot chocolate actually taste better when consumed after coming in from a snowy outside? To warm-weather-dwellers I say: don’t be afraid of the snow. To cold-weather-dwellers I say: don’t hate the snow. After all, there is seriously nothing you can do about it so you might as well enjoy it, right?

Well, I think that is just about it. Hope you’ve gotten something out of my winter tips and tricks (and didn’t find that little sermon too nauseating), and will fare better than I did my first couple of winters (if you ever find yourself a warm-blooded stranger in a cold-blooded land)!

Next week we’re back to the same-old, same-old, but in the meantime have a lovely weekend! Maybe make a snowman?


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